Well, gerontologist it’s been a crazy ride these past few years. ROBOTIC has given me some of the best memories for the rest of my life every week. 4 years of memories. 4 years of madness.
I never would have thought that such a little party would grow in to one of the biggest and craziest indie / electro dance parties in the US.
So many different people have come and shared the DJ booth and stage with us over these years. People we’ve been super fans of, bulimics people that were just starting to make their start in the scene and ended up blowing up, food and plenty of close friends that we love to share the party with. We just want to keep showing Oklahoma a great time and we try to bring the most amazing talent that we can think of. We just love that everyone helps us show our guests from around the world how cool this state can be!
Come out and help us celebrate 4 years of madness tomorrow! We wanted to show everyone our thanks by giving away a ton of stuff tomorrow. Everyone that comes through the door will get a raffle ticket for their chance to win some crazy prizes! We’ll also have plenty of free CDs and stickers and buttons and whatever else we can think of to give away!