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And Now Its Monday

The worst day of the week has arrived yet again, but luckily we’ve got some tasty tracks freshly baked from Luca Lush, Hex Cougar, and XVII to bring back those weekend vibes.

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The Monday Blues

Do you suffer from a ‘Case Of The Mondays’? If so, we have the remedy. Here’s a choice selection of top shelf beats to cure your aches and pains. Together, we can make it through the week.

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Monday the 16th

Today I realized that I didn’t notice that last Friday was the 13th. 2 spooky 4 me, I guess.
Hey, it’s Monday though. We survived another weekend.

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72 Degrees

72 Degrees. That’s the temperature in my city right now. It’s amazing. Makes me wish that I had contacts so I could wear cool sunglasses. Instead I will just shield my eyes from the sun by squinting like a weirdo.

Today’s mission for you is to some how get these songs on to a cassette tape and find an 80s t-top camaro to drive around in.

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Autograf + Odesza

Mix a little Odesza with a sprinkle of Autograf and you get amazingness! I love both groups and am super happy Autograf sent over this new remix to share! Autograf delivers another amazing track!

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Ushering in the new year on a wave shimmering synthesizers, Sound Control Records, celebrates it’s sophomore signing and is proud to introduce the latest dance duo from The Lone Star State, MNYNMS (Many Names). Comprised of vocalist, Jessica Wahlquist, and producer extraordinaire, J.Childs, MNYNMS capture a unique vision of the future… one where androids and warlocks conjure a harmonious world of synergistic elements.

The duo’s first sonic offering comes in the form of their remix of ‘Imperial’ by New Jersey based synth-lord, Teeel. Dropping the tempo considerably, MNYNMS transport the ecstatic, melancholic dance vibes of the original to a hazy planet filled with strange beings and low-slung arpeggios. The celestial romanticism of Teeel’s vocals translate seamlessly upon MNYMNS’ airy, mystical foundation, complimenting it’s enveloping pads and stabbing leads.

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Xmas Countdown

When I was just a wee lad this was around the time that I would start getting excited about christmas. It’s the second week of December, weather was getting colder, days were getting shorter, school was getting boring-er. Time doesn’t mean much when you’re a kid but little bursts of it would pop in your head when you realize that christmas was only a couple weeks away.

I just hope that it snows on christmas day. It likes to do that in Oklahoma. That’s mother nature’s present to us most years.

In an effort to continue our tradition, we still only post music that is free to download.

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Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack

It’s Wednesday again! That means it’s time for ROBOTIC in Oklahoma City! The craziest party this side of the Mason-Dixon line! Tonight we have special guest BREACH in town! Let’s jack!

Adorable Felines Having A Blast In the Fall Leaves 15

Hello, November.

November is here. It’s almost winter time, but before that we get to experience the wonderful change out of fall first. Just imaging yourself in the north eastern United States driving through the back tree lined roads with the street covered in orange leaves and your surrounded by a mess of reds, oranges, yellows & browns. These tracks are for that moment.

Or just imagine yourself sitting in your room browsing Reddit and posting inspirational quotes on Facebook while listening to these tracks. Whatever works best for you.