Category: Deep House


Cool Music Post Title

How am I supposed to hold all these dope af tracks? Get to your download stations and grab all of these right now! It's also Wednesday, so you know i'll be partying at ROBOTIC in OKC!

cutest baby animals 15

Still Hurtin’

What a weekend. I've felt like a zombie the last two days and cant seem to figure out why so many people are still in my house...what is life. Even-though the 4th did me dirty I'm still about the turn up, so here you guys go, some more tracks to get bumpy with. E N J O Y

But wait, there’s more!

Some more beats to help pucker up this beautiful Thursday, (\O_O/) E N J O Y !!!

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The Day After…

For the past 9 years, Thursdays have been my Mondays. I can't really stand Thursday mornings after partying every Wednesday night for 9 years. Me and Thursdays don't get along. Here's a couple laid back heaters to help get us to Friday

summer cat yoga

Summer is here

It just hit me that summer is here. I don't really know what I was thinking. I guess I figured it out when my AC died and now it's super hot in my house. ¯\_(?)_/¯ Here's some heaters to keep up with this early June heat.


St Patty’s Day

Apparently it's St Patricks Day. It's one of those holidays that only really matter in elementary school because you get to wear green and pinch people. If you're walking around as an adult wearing shamrocks and green shit then I'm going to punch you. <3


Sup, guys? It’s Tuesday!

We all made it through another Monday and now we get to do Monday v.2.0. Tuesday's aren't any better, guys. It's still not the weekend. Let's spice up this week with some dope new beats, dawgz.


Wednesdays = Bestdays

It's Wednesday again! It's always a good thing when Wednesday comes back around. Here's some cool songs for your Wednesday afternoon.

friday cat webkinz

We Made It To Friday

We made it through another week. Give yourselves a high five and the first round is on you!