Category: House

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The Day After…

For the past 9 years, Thursdays have been my Mondays. I can't really stand Thursday mornings after partying every Wednesday night for 9 years. Me and Thursdays don't get along. Here's a couple laid back heaters to help get us to Friday

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AYER – In My Headphones (TKDJS Remix)

Brooklyn Trio, TKDJS is back again, however this time with a fresh new mix of AYER's "in your headphones." This track offers a unique sound, featuring heavy bass alongside lyrical harmony. Having only been around for the last 6 months, TKDJS is already giving us a new twist on future house. Head over to TKDJS sounds cloud and hit download, this track is defiantly a keeper, and be on the look out for their soon to be released EP early fall.

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Wednesday is here again

Oh dang it's mfin' Wednesday! We here in OKC call this ROBOTIC Wednesdays and we party hard. Here's some fresh selections for you to download on this mid-week party day!

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Howdy, Tuesday!

Tuesday? Come at me, bro! Tomorrow is the greatest day of the week and then you only have to get through Thursday before the weekend starts! We can all get through this together!

summer cat yoga

Summer is here

It just hit me that summer is here. I don't really know what I was thinking. I guess I figured it out when my AC died and now it's super hot in my house. ¯\_(?)_/¯ Here's some heaters to keep up with this early June heat.

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The Monday Blues

Do you suffer from a 'Case Of The Mondays'? If so, we have the remedy. Here's a choice selection of top shelf beats to cure your aches and pains. Together, we can make it through the week.

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Sunday Fundays

The rain here in Oklahoma has decided to take a break for a few days and left us with this beautiful weekend to enjoy. I'm about to go take a trip downtown and enjoy what's left of the day, and I'll probably be listening to all of this while I do it.



Surf's up, y'all. New bootleg from Crystal Vision of Lil Silk & Macturnup's track SURFER which was produced by Mayhem & Spaghetti J, if you didn't know.


St Patty’s Day

Apparently it's St Patricks Day. It's one of those holidays that only really matter in elementary school because you get to wear green and pinch people. If you're walking around as an adult wearing shamrocks and green shit then I'm going to punch you. <3