Category: Misc

TV On The Radio free tickets!

TV On The Radio is finally touring the country again and we have teamed up with their promotional company to give you a chance to win FREE TICKETS to any show you’d like to go see! Go to THIS WEBSITE and sign up to win free tickets for a show in a town near you! ...


Hey guys! Posts are going to be a little sparse over the next week because I am leaving town. We’ll be in Brooklyn tomorrow to play XX-XY with Kids At The Bar, this site VHSorBETA, hospital John Bourke of Trash Yourself, syringe Jesse Jamz & Whitney Fierce. It’s going to be a raging good time! ...


This month’s XX-XY is going to be crrazy! If you’re in or around NYC, head down to Public Assembly this coming Saturday and go nuts with all of us! Here is the facebook event!

Kavinsky Remix Contest

Another great Robotic video from our favorite photo guy, treatment Brandon Bales! Tonight we’re partying with Eli Smith at Robotic! We have a super great awesome tubular bodacious summer lineup that we’ll be telling you about soon! This summer will be awesome! Another great Robotic video from our favorite photo guy, treatment Brandon Bales! Tonight ...

Robotic Wednesdays!

Another great Robotic video from our favorite photo guy, treatment Brandon Bales! Tonight we’re partying with Eli Smith at Robotic! We have a super great awesome tubular bodacious summer lineup that we’ll be telling you about soon! This summer will be awesome!

Happy Holidays

I hope all of you are enjoying the holidays and hopefully 2009 has treated all of you well. 2010 should be a good year with lots of things to look forward to. It’s pretty exciting that John Bourke is moving to ny and also Preston, asthma the founder of (the other blog i write ...

Robot dance flash mob?

inside out boy The girls coordinating this flash mob wanted us to help spread the word and how could we resist? Check out there website at What they’re doing is pretty cool. Robogals Inc. is a not-for-profit organization, more about which aims to increase the number of girls undertaking science, search engineering and technology ...

Empire State Human remix contest

richard vission In collaboration with Laptoprockers, more about Empire State Human and Ninthwave Records offer an exclusive competition to remix the track “Melancholic Afro” featuring Wolfgang Flür, there member of the classic ’70s Kraftwerk line-up during the legendary Autobahn album and tour. The band still can’t believe their luck. Prizes: 1st: Mastering plugin Ozone 4 ...

Popular Computer contest!

WZRDZ Parisian duo Popular Computer just released their new album Senso Data and we want to give it to you! POPULAR COMPUTER is a duo consisting of Parisian producer Sylvain DALIdo and his computer. The name Popular computer fits this musical persona completely. Sylvain DALIdo creates an amalgam of pop music and shiny retro-futurist electronic ...