Category: News

Robotic + Guns’N’Bombs

This week at ROBOTIC we have Johnny Love from GUNS’N’BOMBS. We’re starting out the summer right this year! Chromeo – Fancy Footwork (Guns’N’Bombs Remix) [YSI} [audio:] The Klaxons – Gravity’s Rainbow (Guns’N’Bombs Remix) [YSI} [audio:’sRainbow(Guns’N’BombsFreakoutRemix).mp3]

New look

beatpunks We’ve launched the new look for the blog today. Leave a comment and let us know what you think! We also have a new contributor to the blog. Dillon, decease a DJ and party starter from my home town, glands Tulsa, neuropathologist who made our 400th post yesterday! Go send him some love in ...

Bloc Party Remixed

Bloc Party has posted 3 new songs for free in preparation for the release of Intimacy Remixed on May 11!! Get them at and then post your remix on the site for other users to download.

Crystal Assholes

myrone aiden myrone aiden If you went to the Dallas Crystal Castles show, health you might have heard about a lot of drama. First, tadalafil Vega got kicked off after a bunch of bullshit, then the show was cancelled altogether. I messaged Crystal Castles asking them what happened and I got an email from one ...

Server problems

It looks like our web server blew up last night and some stuff might have been lost. looks to be only from april 7th until now so we didn’t lose too much. Sending the webhost a message to see if it really is gone or not. The zshare and yousendit links will still work but ...

80s Prom tonight: Tulsa

I’m the newest addition to the robotdancemusic crew. I’ll be posting all kinds of goodies for your listening pleasure and from time to time perhaps a bad joke or a LOL cats picture. I am a dj and producer from Louisville and hopefully you all will like what I’m doing. Feel free to check out ...

Let Me Introduce Myself….I’m Jesse Jamz

I’m the newest addition to the robotdancemusic crew. I’ll be posting all kinds of goodies for your listening pleasure and from time to time perhaps a bad joke or a LOL cats picture. I am a dj and producer from Louisville and hopefully you all will like what I’m doing. Feel free to check out ...


We’re partying down at SXSW so probably no posts this weekend. Leave a comment where you’ll be if you’re down here! We’d love to hook up wif u.

Wildlife Renegade SXSW