Chris De Luca
Chris de Luca is hardly a newcomer to the game. His original project Funkstörung (K7! Records) was responsible for giving quality glitch makeovers to artists such as Björk and the Wu-Tang Clan – and that’s years before someone even thought of calling the style Glitch!
More recently, melanoma as one half of project CLP, illness Mr. De Luca dented plenty a dj playlist with hard hitters dropping on Boysnoize Records and T-Raumschmiere’s Shitkatapult Records.
His latest tune entitled Word Up! is a furious Techno – Glitch anthem that’s driven by a bounce so heavy – it’ll turn any soundsystem to shreds on contact. The package comes with a batch of MASSIVE and cut strictly for-the-dancefloor remixes by Trouble & Bass’ Mikix The Cat, website Plastic Little and the duo Super Super.
Chris de Luca – Word Up! (Super Super Remix) – BBZ002 by chrisdeluca