It's been a really long time since I've listened to Electrocute. I am too busy looking for the next new thing that I tend to forget about the classics. I wouldn't go and get too excited about this though, visit...
We're happy to bring back Designer Drugs to Robotic Wednesdays tonight! We had him out in December last year and it was madness! Hopefully we can show him an equally good time tonight! Protokoll - Moving Forward (Designer Drugs RMX)...
Things to talk about today. Dance Robots, Dance! is playing some parties at SXSW this year! Here are a couple that I know of off the top of my head & John Bourke from DRD! is opening for IAMX on...
One Response
EVILJIVE 15 TONIGHT! – Tonights the big night! The 15th year of EVILJIVE! Get ready, Oklahoma City!
EVILJIVE 15 TONIGHT! – Tonights the big night! The 15th year of EVILJIVE! Get ready, Oklahoma City!
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