First official post
MusicYou are not seeing things. A new website is coming soon…. Hopefully tonight.
to hear Robotic Radio – GO HERE!
Oh, we have a myspace too.
I guess i’m welcoming you to & Robotic Radio. Don’t really have much to say except some info on what this is. Robotic Radio is an internet radio station stream thing and is the home of it… and also turning in to a music blog to keep you informed of some good music and what is going on with Robo.Radio.
Robotic Radio is run by members of Dance Robots, Dance! New music is added almost every day. It just depends on if anything good is discovered that day. Help us by letting us know of awesome music!
If you want to know more about DRD!, check out the myspace.
Anyways, that’s about it on that subject. I recently found out about this band, Thyne Eyes, from San Francisco. They’re pretty hot i would have to say. That is about all i know about them – the SF part.
The song is “Ice Princess”. It reminds me of something i would really have been big in to a couple years ago when i was listening to the dark wave crap, but this is a little cooler than that ever was.
Thyne Eyes – “Ice Princess”
[audio:thyne-eyes-ice-princess.mp3]They have a myspace account for you to add them to your pal list.