Local music rules


Instead of trying to pick one of these new tracks to try and see if you haven’t heard it i’m going to present you with local music from oklahoma instead. Ha! There’s a bunch of bands that i want to talk about but i’m just going to pick a couple… mainly because i actually have these tracks available here to upload.


First off is Stevedore.

Where would the world be without Stevedore? I don’t know!
Their website says this about them: “To put simply, Stevedore is collaboration of art, music, and love. Many has tried to categorize these musics into some kind of a cage, but it is not possible. This is because these music is wild and not able to be tamed; and because love overpowers any cage, and any time, and any small minded person.”

The track is very 80s sounding. I’m no good at reviews. Anyways, you can catch b. & Kylie playing with Stevedore on Feb. 28th at Rehab Lounge in Tulsa.

Stevedore – “Tiny Thoughts”


Buy their EP “Almost Beautiful” on the iTunes Music Store!
Stevedore - Almost Beautiful - EP

Elliott The Letter Ostrich

Elliott the Letter Ostrich is another band that pretty much rules. Not because they gave me a shirt with the grim reaper riding on a unicorn that is jumping over a rainbow but because they gave me a shirt with the grim reaper riding on a unicorn that is jumping over a rainbow!

Elliott the Letter Ostrich – “Love Song for the Walking Dead”


Elliott is playing with members of Dance Robots, Dance! and Snowden at the Mooch & Burn on March 11th in Tulsa.

I Said Stop!

I Said Stop! is a younger band in Tulsa. When i say “younger” i don’t mean how long they’ve been around. They’ve been in the studio recording their debut EP. I got an early copy to put in rotation on Robotic Radio so i’ll share it with you now.

I Said Stop! – “Dr. Olandria”


The Stock Market Crash

The Stock Market Crash from Oklahoma City are pretty rad too. I don’t know much about them and my favorite song on this cd skips a little in the middle which makes me cry a bit.

The Stock Market Crash – “Bringing Knives To A Gunfight”


You can buy this awesome album on the iTunes Music Store, you know. The Stock Market Crash - Geology

Anyways, they’re playing at The Conservatory with DRD’s Joshua Distance this friday – Feb 16th. That’s in Oklahoma City.


