Things to talk about today. Dance Robots, Dance! is playing some parties at SXSW this year! Here are a couple that I know of off the top of my head

& John Bourke from DRD! is opening for IAMX on Friday the 16th @ Old Gallery Lombardi – 910 W. 3rd St.

I got the new Foreign Islands EP “Restart Now!” in the mail the other day. It’s pretty rockin’ – comes complete with remixes from Boys Noize and someone else that is equally as awesome but seeing that I left the CD in my roommate’s car I don’t exactly have the track listening in front of me. Dur. Oh, Filthy Dukes… I remember!
“‘Restart Now!’, which fulfills Ryan’s no-filler mandate with six instantly appealing club-ready new songs and two remixes, was recorded in bits and pieces over the past few months, mostly in the middle of the night when Baltulonis could snag free hours at the studio. Twitchy, glitchy first single ‘We Know You Know It’ – which boasts a razor-riff chorus topped by a blend of harmonies – is about ‘some hardcore-type dudes just overstaying their welcome.’ according to Ryan.” This EP comes out March 20th. Get it.
Foreign Islands – “We Know You Want It”
Something else happened. Earlier this week, the Copyright Royalty Board, the group overseeing statutory licensing for US-based internet radio stations, announced the new royalty rates for streaming radio performance rights. The board rejected the arguments made by webcasters and instead chose to adopt the proposal put forth by industry-backed SoundExchange, a royalty fee collection agency created by the RIAA.
I don’t know what this is going to do to Robotic Radio right now… Hopefully not much. I still don’t understand yet. To find out more about it, check out
In a lighter note, I heard an upcoming track that is going to blow your ears off. I don’t think that I am allowed to mention names so I’ll just say JB+TA+B(S2)+H=Ears Blowing Off. You will never guess. Oh, and there’s a lot of secret DRD! news that will come to light some day.
If you’re in Oklahoma, don’t forget this sunday, March 11th!

[edit] Oh snap! I forgot to mention – The Secret Handshake EP “Summer of ’98” is now out! New songs & Awesome remixes! and support our friends!
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dude foreign islands are amazing, i love this band