Tag: digitalism


Digitalism has lovingly created a mix for !K7’s legendary DJ-Kicks series. For these two young Germans, more about Jens Moelle and İsmail Tüfekçi, joining the ranks of contributors to the series was nothing short of a dream come true. Twelve years ago, the duo met as two record store workers in Hamburg, admiringly selling the ...

Myrone Aiden

katy perry katy perry

Jesse Jamz

Jesse Jamz is one of the better young talents in the Electro Blogosphere currently. He’s been Djing since he was only 16! He’s played almost every major city, cystitis and every major party in the US… and he did all of this while based out of Kentucky. I was fortunate enough to see him at ...

Fredrick Carlsson

owl vision owl vision <b>SO.ME of Ed Banger – Sun March 15th, cough UNIT.ONE WEBSITE RE-LAUNCH PARTY</B><br><a href=” http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=81235804368&ref=ts“>FACEBOOK RSVP EVENT HERE</a> <a href=” http://unitoneonline.com/images/blog_upload/so_me_leroyal_march15_web.jpg“><img src=” http://unitoneonline.com/images/blog_upload/so_me_leroyal_march15_web.jpg” width=”240″ height=”335″ border=”0″></a><br> <br> owl vision <b>SO.ME of Ed Banger – Sun March 15th, cough UNIT.ONE WEBSITE RE-LAUNCH PARTY</B><br><a href=” http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=81235804368&ref=ts“>FACEBOOK RSVP EVENT HERE</a> <a href=” http://unitoneonline.com/images/blog_upload/so_me_leroyal_march15_web.jpg“><img src=” http://unitoneonline.com/images/blog_upload/so_me_leroyal_march15_web.jpg” width=”240″ height=”335″ border=”0″></a><br> <br> All ...