Tag: french horn rebellion

Case of the Mondays

Two great tracks for your Monday afternoon. It’s been raining here all day with a chance of a few inches of snow later this evening so these two tracks are perfect for today! Head over to the Crywolf and the French Horn Rebellion soundclouds to cop these free downloads! A+++++ Would Post Again! says me ...

French Horn Rebellion

French Horn Rebellion gets the remix treatment from… French Horn Rebellion? Oh, injection and rekLES too! I think I’m in love with this song. Why can’t it be summer already? We normally don’t post things like this because we like to host the download ourselves but since FHR are our buddies, otolaryngologist we’ll make an ...

French Horn Rebellion + Database + Justin Faust

Finally! New stuff from one of my favorite groups, tadalafil French Horn Rebellion! It’s been a good minute since we’ve posted anything from these two dudes and are super excited about new music from them! They’ve performed in Oklahoma many times and if you still have yet to hear of them or see them, you ...

Will Smith + French Horn Rebellion

It’s not very often that I’ll post up mashups but I can’t turn down something from my buddies, human enhancement French Horn Rebellion, tablets when it includes Will Smith! French Horn took the smooth sounds of MFSB and dumped the lyrical genius that is Will Smith on the top like some delicious hot fudge sauce. ...


Wednesdays are my favorite days. They’ve been my favorite day for almost 6 years now. This August will mark the 6 year anniversary of Robotic Wednesdays. No big deal. I’ve been rather busy lately and haven’t been able to keep up with posting so here’s a bunched up post with 5 awesome tracks for you! ...

Trash Yourself + Treasure Fingers

I posted the Computer Blue remix of this track a few weeks ago. The original mix spent a good amount of time up on the Indie Dance charts on Beatport. I believe it got up to #3! Awww yeahhhh! Now Trash Yourself, in celebration of their top 10 hit plus their new single coming out ...

French Horn Rebellion

French Horn Rebellion are about to hit the road with YELLE for all of April & May! Here are two new remixes of FHR tracks to wet your whistle while you wait for them to come to a town near you! Catch French Horn Rebellion here in Oklahoma City on April 20th at ROBOTIC as ...

French Horn Rebellion + Kap10Kurt

Let’s start off this chilly day with a little French Horn Rebellion. There’s never anything wrong with that! We also featured the original version a while back. Go grab it here The single + all the extras comes out November 22nd and their debut album FINALLY comes out on Nov 29th! I’m eagerly awaiting that ...

French Horn Rebellion

We also just featured this track so go over here and download it!