Must Die! + Bro Safari

Must Die! just released this massive remix of Bro Safari’s The Drop today! Hello, symptoms Monday! Bro Safari – The Drop (MUST DIE! Remix) [audio:!%20Remix)%20(1).mp3]

Tuesday y’all

Getting some good submissions lately. It’s hard to keep going through all the old emails that are unread when I get new stuff like this to post! Also we just started a contest for Trident gum. It’s super easy to enter and you can win yourself a whole years worth of Trident gum! Think of […]

Must Die!

New freebie from my homie, thumb Must Die! Get on over to his facebook and like him up! Must Die! – Bad Boy Sound [audio:]


I’ve been running this blog for over 5 years now and its seems like forever. I just went through 300ish emails to hand pick these 6 goodies for you. I still have over 5000 unread emails to go! I also want to make some suggestions to the people submitting awesome music. Please don’t send youtube […]