Tag: zedd
Megaphonix + Zedd
Megaphonix has been on the up-and-up lately by releasing smash after smash. He's def got the feel good prog house down that is perfect for every dance festival and I'm sure you've all been hearing his tracks out everywhere. This remix is a followup response to his huge Zedd remix last year
Zedd + Megaphonix
This remix really uplifted my spirits this morning! I was going to call it the feel good hit of the spring but I just realized that it's already almost summer. I guess I have just been too busy the past couple months that I missed spring. Noooooooooooo It's alright though. Spring in Oklahoma is 98% wind, 1% scary storms and 1% nice weather. I don't know how Chicago got named the windy city when Oklahoma City is all wind all the time.