The DA
MusicRecently, treat I was fortunate enough to see a show by The D.A. From El Paso, urticaria Texas. They’re a five part band that includes keys, bass, guitar, drums, and most notably a trumpet player that uses all sorts of weird effects. They’ve got a great sound, and great lyrics that give the sonic landscapes they create some substance. They just got done with a midwest tour. They recorded their newest E.P. at a little place called the Sonic Ranch. When I say little Im joking, because it’s probably the largest recording complex in the United States. The lucky bastards were able to record on the same Neve console that Motown records and later, Madonna used. Check out their E.P! It’s a pretty awesome Post Punk/Dance Rock record, and I haven’t stopped listening to it. They have been gracious enough to post the entire E.P. for our readers to download!
Apologies to Cesar for taking so long to get this review up!
The DA – Halfwords
The DA – Pheromones
The DA – Big Woman
The DA – Orange & Black
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good stuff ! love the trumpet
These guys are great!
They played at my Co-op!
amazing band! I’ve seen them multiple times.