It’s lunch time on Friday. It’s almost time for the weekend. Here’s some james for your ride back to the office. They should help digest the burger you just ate.
I'm not a fan of dubstep. If a DJ plays a dubstep track I usually frown. I can take it for maybe 1 and a half songs but any longer then that I'm searching for a place that I don't...
Dance + Electro + Pop = Popular Damage. Thus was the simple algebra behind the 2007 genesis of the collaborative project between Manchester-born Nadine Raihani and Stephan Hengst. Berlin’s post-rock and indie scene was the common denominator which brought these...
From what I can tell, there Key & Kite have been around for a while now. The thing that instantly drew me to his email was the link to his The Smiths remix. How could I resist that? Everyone needs...