Yaysh – Get 2 Kno Me

Music, Pop
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“Get 2 Kno Me” is a song, that if you like you will be coming back to over and over. It’s a perfect addition to a spring playlist that on the surface is lighthearted but somewhere there’s a deeper emotional pull that keeps you coming back. Yaysh has a full six-track EP and this title track is a great introduction to the record, but be sure to check out the full ‘G2KM’ EP here.

Yaysh also has a new video for the song, check it out here. (This is the censored version, but still a heads up for some nudity although we don’t mind :)

Yaysh lays out some ideas behind the video,

The challenge to the listener and viewer is to take a leap, take a chance and be yourself unabashedly and from there, love, joy, acceptance and warmth follow towards oneself and the world.  Everyone in this video is offering a gift to the viewer of their own vulnerability. It’s a Big Message.” – Yaysh